Tuesday, March 15, 2011

January Happenings

You would think I would have been better at updating the blog since I've been inside all winter, but I have been slacking. Here are some pictures from January of the kids. Tucker gets more mobile everyday and is keeping us very busy. Boys are DIFFERENT than girls. Riley was always pretty relaxed and content to play in one spot. Tucker is constantly on the move and into everything. They are both so much fun!
Here they are on Tucker's favorite toy - sorry it's pink bud! He finds this toy constantly and climbs on it wanting to be pushed. He also now walks behind it holding the handles.
Here he is actually sitting in one spot playing - don't let it fool you, it doesn't last for long.

Riley got this tent for Christmas, and is very creative on how to use it.

Here's Tucker climbing into his bouncy seat.

Jeremy and I started P90X. Riley enjoys trying to do it also. Jeremy is still doing it, I only lasted about 10 days.

Riley did some painting in her princess dress.

Tucker enjoys climbing on things.
And digging in things.

And loves playing with his sister.

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