Saturday, May 22, 2010

Riley's Belated Birthday Party

Since we were in the condo during her birthday, we decided to delay her party until we moved into the house. She has already celebrated with us and my parents, so this was for Jeremy's side of the family. They came up the weekend after Tucker was born, and she had a great time!
Here she is getting ready to blow out her candle. It took her a few tries, but then she was successful!
She only eats the icing.

Josh and Amy got her a baby doll, and she was pretty stuck on that. We had to convince her to keep opening gifts while Darren did surgery to get the baby out of the box.
This is what she did to the tissue paper and the clothes while pulling them out of the bags.
Here she is trying to open gifts while holding the baby.
Oh, she found some puzzles to grab her attention away from the baby for a minute.

She had a great time and loves all of her presents! Thanks to everyone for coming!

Random Pics

Riley cheesing it up for the camera.
She poses for the camera most of the time, and was right before I took this picture, but now it's funnier because it looks like just Jeremy is posing and she thinks he's crazy!
She likes to think she is carrying Tucker.
She also has to put him to bed for naps and bedtime.
Aren't they cute together?
He is a great sleeper - so far! We put him in his bed right away, and he has done great!

I forgot how much they sleep.

Tucker is Here!

Tucker is here! He came and joined us on May 6th at 8:34 am. He weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces, and was 20 1/2 in. long. He is very handsome, and a great baby. We are so happy and blessed now with 2 wonderful kids!
Here is Riley checking out her new little brother.

She really enjoys him. She always asks to hold him, and gives him lots of kisses.

We're still working on gentle with her though!

Here she is sporting her new "big sister" shirt. Of course everyone at the hospital thought she was wonderful!
4 generations of Marvel men
He is very cuddly! He loves to be held.
Here he is getting ready to go home.
The wonderful nurse that walked us down wanted to take a picture of us together.

Goodbye Condo, Hello New House!

Fischer Homes did it! They worked hard and got us in before my due date. We were very excited to be able to move in prior to Tucker coming. Thanks to all of our friends and family that helped with the move, since I couldn't do anything, but tell them where to put the boxes. Here is the finished product....
Here is the front of the house. Of course our cars are still in the driveway due to the amount of boxes that are still in the garage.
Here is Riley's big girl room.

Here is the family room - the pack and play is not a permanent fixture.
The kitchen....
The office and entry way - I didn't take a picture in the office because it is also a resting place for things that we don't know what to do with yet. We also are still in search for a new desk.
The dining room..
The master bedroom, and yes I am watching Dog Whisperer.

The kids' bathroom.
The spare bedroom.. Always ready for guests.
New storage cubes for the playroom.
The rest of the playroom..
Tucker's room...

We have really enjoyed being in the house. Riley still refers to it as the new house. She has done really well with all the moving around, and the new baby.

What a Helper!

Here I am helping daddy pack. Aren't I stylish? Who can pack without a winter hat and shirtless?