Saturday, April 17, 2010

My 2nd Birthday!

Here is our precious little girl 2 years ago. It's hard to believe she has blessed our lives for 2 years already. They have been 2 wonderful years, and can't wait for more.
Here I am on my 1st birthday!

Here I am as a big girl, it's hard to believe I'm 2 already!
Since we are in the condo, and I can't travel due to the baby being due in a couple weeks, we are pushing back her birthday celebration until we are in the house and Tucker is here. We still of course got her gifts, and will be getting her a cake on Sunday when grammy and grampy come up to celebrate. Here is what I did on my actual birthday.

Daddy's students at school made me cards, so daddy read through them with me.

Here I am walking in to see all my gifts. How exciting!

Here I am opening up the box for my table. I have no idea what it is!
Here I am playing with some of my new toys.

You can tell I'm a girl, I get excited about clothes.
I even hold them up to me!
Here I am enjoying my new table. I said "eat" right when I saw it.
More birthday celebration pictures to follow!

House Updates

The house is so close to being done! We close on the 29th of April. Everytime we go it seems they get so much done. Now it's just little odds and ends to do.
Here's the front of it.
We have carpet, so Riley loves to go run around on it! This is the loft.
Here's the staircase entering the entry way.
Here's the bathroom flooring upstairs.
Here's Riley and I's appearance. The bathrooms have all the fixtures and lights. The toilets actually were going in today when Jeremy was there.
Here's the family room with carpet. The fireplace has since been painted.
Here's the kitchen without the appliances and door on the pantry, which are now there. The wood floors are down too, but are covered with the cardboard.
Stay tuned for more - hopefully of the finished product!

Easter Morning

On Easter morning, I woke up like any other morning and got in bed with mom and dad. On their dresser I noticed an Elmo basket with toys in it. I pointed and said "that?" Mom got it for me, and I was very excited! Here I am looking in it for the first time.
I got some Play-Doh with animal stamps.

A Magna-Doodle and some coloring and watercolor books.
I of course needed to play with them right away.
I haven't quite got the hang of the water painting yet. I soak the brush and it goes through about 4 pages at a time.
Then it was time for church. Here I am with my basket of course, because they were having an Easter egg hunt after the service.
The Easter Bunny was there - not a big fan! Mom had to pick me up and try to take me over there, but I was not having that. I prefer Santa.
Here I am hunting eggs, I only got one because I was too worried about where the Easter Bunny was. I had to watch him out of the corner of my eye the whole time.
Overall, I had a wonderful Easter!