Sunday, September 19, 2010

Four Months Old

It is hard to believe, our little man is 4 months old now. He is really getting a personality. He smiles all the time, and laughs a lot! He's growing well, and his height and weight are both in the 90th percentile range. We're glad he's looking to take after his dad in height and not his mom. He loves watching his sister do anything! He can roll over both ways so he rolls across the rooms these days. He enjoys playing with some of his bright toys that play music and wants to chew on everything. His favorite thing to do is eat though. He has started cereal, but gets a little frustrated because we don't feed it to him fast enough. He also has been sleeping on his side lately in bed. He is a great sleeper at night, and of course naps much better at daycare than he does at home. Riley was the same way!

We are so blessed to have 2 wonderful, healthy kids!


Ellen said...

What a sweet boy!! He is growing so fast-and yes you are lucky indeed :)

Jesse Payne said...

It goes so quickly. Before you know it they are talking to you or running the other way. You have two beautiful children.