Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas at Home

I, once again, was a very good girl this year because I got spoiled rotten. We had Christmas Eve and Christmas morning early at the Marvel household this year since we were traveling during that time. Luckily, Santa made a special trip just for me.
Here is Christmas Eve dinner of me eating my spaghetti. This is some good stuff! Everytime I see this picture, I say mess.
Here I am posing in my Santa pj's by Santa's plate of cookies.

Here's me eating Santa's cookies. I took one bite out of each cookie to make sure they were alright! I don't quite understand yet that they're for Santa and not Riley.

Here's what I came out to see Christmas morning. My very own kitchen that Santa got me. I love it! I've already used it more than mommy uses her kitchen.

I really enjoyed opening gifts this year. It took me a little while, but I still liked it!

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