Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Girlie Girl

For any of you who thought I wouldn't be a girlie girl - wrong-o! I have found a new love for make-up and dolls. Last time I was at my grammy and grampy's house, mom and grammy found some of my mom's old doll stuff from when she was little. They got it out for me, and I was in heaven. Here are some shots of me playing with all of the new things.
Of course when I started to throw a fit because I had to leave, guess who got to come with me. She rode with me like this the whole way back to Indy.

Now that she's at home with me, I do all sorts of things with her - she eats with me, I feed her (I even make sounds while giving her a bottle), she goes to Marsh, and even to Ms. Tania's with me.

I sure do love my baby!

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